Epidemiology and patient experience
Epidemiology is the study of how diseases spread and affect populations, helping researchers understand patterns, causes, and risk factors. Choose a research study to learn about research into epidemiology, how Paget's presents clinically and research into treatment.

Is the decline of Paget's continuing in the UK?
With funding from the Paget's Association and the Michael Davie Research Foundation researchers found over 3,500 new cases of Paget’s disease in patients aged 18 years and over, who had been diagnosed in the past 20 years
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The ZiPP study
The Zoledronate in the Prevention of Paget’s disease (ZiPP) study was designed to investigate the feasibility of conducting a large-scale program of genetic testing, coupled with targeted intervention
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Vitamin D and side effects of bisphosphonate infusions
When bisphosphonates, like zoledronic acid, are given for the first time, some people can experience a flu-like reaction, known as acute-phase reaction (APR)
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The PRISM and PRISM-EZ trial
A large study looked at the advantages of purely treating the symptoms of Paget's disease or giving sufficient bisphosphonate to achieve a normal alkaline phosphatase (ALP) level
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Clinical presentation of Paget's disease
Dr Adrian Tan and Professor Stuart Ralston evaluated the presenting features of Paget’s disease in 88 UK patients referred to a specialist clinic
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