Help raise funds or donate

Help raise funds or donate

Many affected by Paget's disease struggle to obtain a diagnosis and turn to the Paget's Association for help. The charity must raise funds to be able to support all those in need. Here are some ideas on how you can help.

Join our raffle

The Paget's Association's raffle will never have more than 200 members and in joining you are also boosting funds that help support those affected by Paget's disease..

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Send an e-card

Save Paper and Postage - Send an e-Card to help spread awareness of Paget’s, help protect the environment and raise funds.

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Shop to earn donations

Shop online, from a wide range of retailers, to earn free donations for the Paget's Association.

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Leave a gift in your will

The Paget’s Association does not receive any government support and much of our funding comes from gifts kindly left by individuals in their Will.

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Fundraising ideas

From chocoholics tombolas to birthday fundraisers, we share ideas to help you support our vital work

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London Marathon

Could you or someone you know run for the Paget's Association in the London Marathon and raise funds to support those affected by Paget's disease?

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Help us make a difference

Your donations help us to change the lives of those with Paget’s Disease and every donation, no matter how small, is appreciated.

Donte or deposit funds raised.

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