Mary’s experience of treatment
Mary, from Greater Manchester, is happy with the care and treatment she’s received. Here she explains.

I was diagnosed with Paget's disease in my vertebrae (L1) at the age of 47, after having X-rays for excruciating back pain. The pain made walking, sitting and everyday activities difficult.
I am happy with the way diagnosis was given. The results of an x-ray were given by my GP who was very good and I was referred to a specialist at Salford Royal, where I have always been given information and facts about Paget’s in a sensitive manner. Following further tests, I had bisphosphonate infusions which alleviated the pain and put the Paget’s in remission. The side effects of my first infusion were as I expected as it was explained to me that I may have flu-like symptoms. The side-effects lasted an hour or two. When I needed an infusion again I didn’t experience any side-effects but I had a complication at the site of the infusion.
Over the years I had further treatments but found I was suited to Risedronate oral treatment rather than infusions. Most of my bone problems now are due to osteoarthritis. I also have type 2 diabetes, bronchiectasis and asthma.
I find being a member of the Paget’s Association helpful for information about Paget’s and to be able to contact people in a similar situation. My advice is don’t worry as most people seem to live to a good age with it. There are much worse complaints to have. Consider yourself lucky to have treatment for it!