John found the Paget's Association helpful
A loyal supporter of the Paget’s Association, John explains how the treatment worked for him and how the charity supported him. The photograph shows John (left) with Eva (right), helping raise awareness in Salford. Both are members of the Association.

I have Paget's Disease in my pelvis and have known about it since 1991. The consultant thought I’d had it since about 1974 and as far as I'm aware I have no family history of it. I was given a bisphosphonate infusion, which helped my pain. I didn't have any side-effects and I have not needed treatment for the last 10 yrs.
Being a member of the Paget's Association is helpful because I know I am not alone. In addition, the information they provide is good and is constantly being improved. My advice to others is no matter how bad you feel there is always someone at the Paget’s Association who can share your worries and help.