Paget’s disease and COVID-19

Principal Researcher: Dr Adrian Heald, Consultant Endocrinologist Institution: Department of
Endocrinology, Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust, Salford. [2023-2024]

Are people with Paget’s disease more likely to have other health conditions and frailty in older age compared to those without Paget’s disease?

What really happened in the Pandemic?

During the COVID-19 pandemic, we saw that people with multiple health conditions and frailty were more likely to become seriously unwell after a COVID-19 infection. Are people with Paget’s disease more likely to have other health conditions and frailty in older age compared to those without Paget’s disease?  

This is the question researchers in Salford, a Paget’s Association Centre of Excellence, want to answer using anonymised health records which cover the whole population of  Greater Manchester (approximately 2.8 million).

With funding from the Paget’s  Association, they will consider whether people with Paget’s disease are more likely to have other health conditions and frailty in older age because we know that these factors have an impact on health outcomes.  A key part of this research will look at the impact of Paget’s disease on the likelihood of becoming unwell with COVID-19, taking into account levels of frailty and co-morbidity.

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