Could you be a Paget's Raffle winner?
Support the Paget’s Association and be in with a chance of winning up to £200!
The Paget's Association's Raffle will never have more than 200 members, so you really do stand a good chance of winning and by purchasing a ticket or even two in the Paget’s Association’s Raffle you can directly contribute to our charity and mission to help those in need. Together we can make a positive difference!
The draw takes place every month with two opportunities to win. The first prize each month is £100 and the second prize is £50. In June and December however, the prize money is doubled to £200 and £100 respectively. No administration charges are taken out so all money given in this way goes towards our vital work, once prize money has been taken out. Winners are published in our magazine 'Paget's News'.
To enter the draw the cost is £5 per number each month. If you opt to pay monthly we ask that you pay by standing order, otherwise, you can pay quarterly, half-yearly or annually by standing order or cheque. Each member can have two tickets. You will find the rules below.
To join, please download the rules and application form. Print the application form (page 2) and return it to the address below.

Paget’s Association’s Raffle rules
The rules for the Paget’s Association’s Raffle are simple and are as follows:
- The Paget’s Association’s Raffle(also known as the 200 Club) is open to anyone over the age of 18 and is limited to two numbers per person, with a maximum of 200 numbers. Should there be more applicants than numbers, awaiting list will be drawn up, and when numbers become available, they will be allocated to the person at the top of the waiting list.
- The cost of raffle entry is £5 per ticket per month. If you opt to pay monthly, we ask that you pay by standing order, otherwise you can pay half-yearly or annually by standing order, bank transfer (using the bank details below) or cheque. Cheques must accompany the completed form to be acceptable.
To pay by standing order, please complete the standing order mandate below and return to the Paget’s Association. Paying by standing order is the preferred method of payment as this eliminates the need for reminders and the risk of not being entered into the draw because of late payment. To pay by standing order, please complete the standing order mandate and return to the Paget’s Association’s office. - Should membership drop below 50 at a future date, monthly draws will be suspended until this minimum figure is reached. If this situation should occur all members will be advised in writing.
- The winning numbers will be drawn by staff at the Paget’s Association on the last Wednesday of each month. Winners will be advised by post, and a list of prize winners for the preceding period will be included in each Paget’s News magazine.
- Prizes will be a £100 first prize and a £50 second prize. Twice a year, in June and December, the prize money will be doubled to £200 and £100 respectively.
- If payment is not received by the day of the draw, the relevant numbers will be withdrawn.
- Should payment not be made for two consecutive months we will treat this as a termination of raffle membership and offer the number to the person at the top of the waiting list.
- All proceeds from activities relating to the Paget’s Association’s Raffle will, with the exception of prize monies, be used for the furtherance of the work of the Association.
Join now
If you wish to participate in the raffle, please download the rules and application form above. Print the application form (page 2) and return it to: The Paget’s Association, Jactin House, 24 Hood Street, Ancoats, M4 6WX.
You can also contact us for further information by email to or by telephone 0161 799 4646.