Fundraising ideas

Fundraising ideas

Here some ideas to get you started on your fundraising journey.

Celebrating a special day? 

Use a special occasions to support the Paget's Association. If you have a special birthday or anniversary, a wedding or party, would you consider making a donation to the Association in lieu of gifts? Alternatively, hold a raffle at your event. You can also set up a Birthday fundraiser on Facebook.

Hold a coffee morning

Why not hold a charity event with your family, friends and neighbours? Invite your guests for morning coffee or afternoon tea, in return for a donation to support the work of the Paget’s Association. All you need are a few key ingredients to make your event a success and join the fight to beat Paget’s disease: 
• A venue  – which could be your home 
• Some willing volunteers – cake bakers and tea/coffee makers  
• Make some invitations (or ask us for some) to send to your family, friends and neighbours 

How we can help: If you can arrange a larger event for your village, for instance in your local Community Centre or Church Hall, we can supply posters, Paget's leaflets and invitations - call us on 0161 799 4646. 

Chocoholics tombola 

Run a tombola at a local event. Try a "Chocoholics Tombola". To get the best value for money, buy multi-packs of chocolate bars over a period of months, when they were on offer, and split these into individual bars. Also provide larger prizes (boxes of chocolates for example) to make the stall attractive. Have 100 prizes if you can.

Tear out every duplicate ticket ending in 5 or 0 from the raffle book and attach these winning tickets to your prizes. Put the matching winning numbered tickets, from the book of tickets, in a bucket or tombola drum and fold them up with all the other tickets.

Make sure you have a float for change and any signs you want to display by your stall. Display your prizes on a table and sell raffle tickets at 25p each or 5 for £1. Those taking part pick their tickets out of the bucket and see if they end in a 5 or 0 to win.

 Other Fundraising ideas

- Hold a coffee morning or garden party.
- Have a tombola stall at a local event.
- Clear your clutter and have a car boot sale.
- Ask your children/grandchildren/friends to do a sponsored walk, swim, or silence.
- Sell your homegrown flowers or vegetables.
- Hold a book sale or exchange.
- Have a sponsored silence and get your family to join in!
- Organise a dance, formal ball or concert.
- Have a dress down day at work and ask each person taking part to donate to Paget's.
- Make cards, cakes or knitted items to sell at a local event.

Provide a Support Gift Bag for someone newly diagnosed 

Donate £15 for a Paget's Support Bag. Our gift bags contain items to help those with Paget's disease. Get in touch for more information.

Not sure where to start? - request a Fundraising Pack!

Included in our Fundraising Pack is a booklet, which not only gives ideas about how supporters can get involved, but it also includes the legalities and practicalities of organising an event and raising funds on our behalf. We can also supply banners with the Association’s logo printed on them, together with promotional items, to help raise awareness of Paget's disease and the work of the Association. For further information, or to request your pack please  contact us.

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