Virtual Paget's Support Groups
Join one of our Virtual Paget's Support Groups via Zoom, from wherever you are in the world.
Speak with others who have Paget’s disease, receive information, make new friends, and gain support from each other and the team at the Paget’s Association. Each meeting lasts an hour and take place every two months. These small, informal get-togethers are currently supporting people in the UK, New Zealand, USA, Canada and Australia.
Watch the video below to hear how Mickey finds the groups very supportive.
Next meeting dates and times
Group 1: Monday 24 March 2025– 3.00 pm (time zone: London)
Group 2: Tuesday 25 March 2025 – 9.00 am (time zone: London)
Group 3: Wednesday 26 March 2025 – 6.00 pm (time zone: London)
Register below or email You will be sent a meeting link a few days before your chosen date.
Paget's Buddies
Would you simply like to talk to someone else who has Paget’s disease? Our Paget’s Buddy scheme provides one‑to‑one support between members of the Paget’s Association.
- If you feel you would like to receive support, please get in touch and we will find you a support Buddy.
- Perhaps you would like to offer support to another member who is struggling with Paget’s disease? Simply get in touch with us. It is purely a supportive role so no medical knowledge is required.
Paget's Network
The Paget’s Support Network is a small group of Association members who either have Paget’s disease or who care for someone who has the condition. It is a free, mutually supportive network to connect people by phone, letter, email or however you would like to communicate. To join, you must be a member of the Paget's Association. If you are a member, get in touch if you’d like to be part of the Paget’s Network.
Facebook Support Group
The Paget's Association facilities a support group on Facebook.
Follow this link to join.
Meet others at our Information Events
You may be interested in meeting with others at one of our Paget's Information Events. These take place in different areas of the UK each year. The video below was filmed at an Information Event in Nottingham (run time: 3 min).

Become a member of the Paget's Association
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As a valued member, you'll receive a comprehensive Paget’s Information Pack, along with our regular Paget's News magazine.
Stay at the forefront of advancements with our latest news: research, treatment and more.
Don't miss out – explore the benefits of membership now!